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Fun game, can't wait to play the completed version! Here is my score.

omg this is a good score... I am awful haha


Thanks for comment and score submission.  You're in the running for a free full copy of the game.  Note as per my comment above, the totalling bug is fixed.  Also the scoring system has been totally reworked since the beta hahah


Awesome, thanks for the consideration! I'll sideload the new version and get a new score posted when I have it.

How are you finding the game generally?   Some things in the final version will be quite different following the beta feedback

FYI the score here is 1760.  as per the addition of the summary.  There was a bug (fixed now) that didn't reset the score between games and kept adding to it, hence the 4760.  1760 is still a good score mind :-)  Thanks for the comments and submission

I've been experimenting with changing it so the complaining neighbour goes away as soon as you grab hold of the bin rather than having to move it away from the house.  Think this will be more manageable especially in later levels.  What do you think about this? 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, the game crashes after the first cutscene:

scenes/cutScene.lua:99: attempt to index a nil value (global 'TIMER')

After reopening the game, it worked normally

EDIT: It crashed again after opening and closing system menu:

gameScripts/gameObjects/timeDisplay.lua:20: attempt to index a nil value (global 'TIMER')

Great thanks.  I'll get these fixed and reupload (probably will be tomorrow now as I'm travelling).  Let me know if you find anything else or any general feedback.  The joys of beta versions :-)

FYI this is to do with the speed run mode which is still in development and i haven’t fully disabled it in the beta.  Hoping it’s something people find fun

This should be fixed now. updated.  Let me know if it reoccurs, or if you find any other issues

Thanks for the info, but I presume the buildNumber in pdxinfo wasn't updated, since the device doesn't see it as in need of an update.

I will fix this. For now you can just delete the game and side load the new zip